5 Hotels in Barcelona recommended by Food Lovers Company

Barcelona is one of the most frequently visited places in Spain. You will find here more than 3 thousand hotels. Today, we chose only 5 hotels in Barcelona to show you the best perpective of this magical and vibrant city! Let’s check it out.

   1. Yurbban Hotel

Yurbban was created in Barcelona with the desire to unite the concepts of urban tourism and the essence of what is true, local and authentic. A vintage-style hotel with modern touches designed so you can enjoy your stay in the heart of the city in the calmest, most comfortable setting.”

Yurbban Hotel in Barcelona

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Barcelona is much more than just a city: it is the main city of Catalunya, such an interesting region full of plans and places to make and go; full of history, good gastronomy and postcard’s landscapes. This is the reason why I would like to show you some of these places in my first post for Food Lovers Company, the best day trips from Barcelona.

All of them are accessible by train from Barcelona, so you will not have any problem in order to get them!

First of all… a little bit of history! Catalunya, a region formed by different counties during The Middle Ages, was divided in Catalunya Vella (Old Catalonia) and Catalunya Nova (New Catalonia). The difference between both Catalunyas was the period of time they were under the Arabic domination. So, whereas Catalunya Vella was the first one in being Catalan, Catalunya Nova was not under Catholic domination until the XIIIrd century.

Nowadays, this difference is still on the environment, on its gastronomy and, especially, on its architecture.

So, do you want to walk with us around our lovely Catalunya in order to know all these elements? 😉


Ripoll, the cradle of Catalunya

If you want to know the medieval and romantic Catalunya origins, you must go to Ripoll, the cradle of Catalunya Vella and, in consequence, the Catalunya’s cradle. There, you will find a big monastery, a foundation of Guifré el Pilós (Guifré the Hairy), one of the firsts Counts of Catalunya, and his political and religious companion Abad Oliba, one of the most important abbots of this won to Muslims new region.

Inside the Monastery, you will find the tomb of Guifré el Pilós and the flavour of history in its walls.

Although the whole of the building is a reinvention from romantic times, always under the idea of nation and recuperation of the birthplace (you will see that most of the parts of the Monastery are reconstructions from the XIXth century, done by Elies Rogent, an important Catalan architect of this period), the cloister is original.

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Ca l’Estevet, traditional Catalan and Spanish food in Barcelona

The restaurant Ca l’Estevet is that restaurant you choose when you want to eat typical Catalan and Spanish food, when you do not want to risk the event because you have guests who do not know the city, and because you want to have a good meal with Spanish food on a traditional restaurant, quiet and with quality. Safe bet I would say.

The first impression is always to arrive at a classic, where time passes slowly and it seems that the vertiginous changes that the city has undergone in the last years have not arrived there; that is a unique pleasure for those who are local, and an unequal opportunity for outsiders to find something essential in our cultural life.

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Brunch in Majestic Hotel Barcelona

Brunch in Spain is quite unusual, but it is starting to be an ideal plan to enjoy of a quiet meeting with friends, who appreciate the gastronomy and good conversation, without hurry and with joy. When is the perfect timing to do that? On Sunday!

We never stop exploring our own city like good foodies, and our guests ask us for this option quite often. So, we decided to try, this time, the brunch that is offering an emblematic place: Majestic Hotel

Majestic Hotel

The hotel is placed at Passeig de Gracia, the most prestigious avenue around the city, very close to the most exclusive stores or the most emblematic buildings created by Gaudí.

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Casa Milà, the House without right Angles

Barcelona, the modernist city

Our city has a huge importance in the modernism architecture thanks to Antoni Gaudí. His most well-known buildings are Casa Batlló, Sagrada Familia and Casa Milà itself. However, Sant Pau complex, designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner, is another amazing modernist work. From Food Lovers Company, we recommend you visit it as it is not so crowded. Moreover, it is easy to visit almost all modernist works with the modernist route, which includes 120 works.

Casa Milà

In this post, we are going to give you some highlights on Casa Milà and explain you our experience in Cafè de la Pedrera, which is inside it.

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A Gastronomic Trip around Barcelona; Santa Pau

Discover a hidden spot of Catalonia

Catalonia is full of culture and food with a variety of landscapes. From Barcelona is easy to reach every hidden spot of Catalonia and visit them as it is on the middle, by the coast.

In this special post, we are going to introduce you to a northern region; talk about a little village, Santa Pau, and its traditional product named “fesols”.

First of all, why is this post so special? Well, it is special because Santa Pau is the village of Sandra, our collaborator. So, in this post, she is going to talk about it in first person with the love she has for her village and food.

Santa Pau, a jewel between volcanoes

Santa Pau is a little village in La Garrotxa, a region located just an hour and a half from Barcelona.  It is surrounded by volcanoes, mountains, fields and a nice forest.

This medieval village itself is very beautiful, highlighting the Major square; with unequal arches and arcades that release a lot of personality, next to the castle. Santa Maria’s church is also placed in this square.

For me, the best part of my village are the narrow streets that start from the Major square. They have a lot of charm and they end on an arcade from where you can appreciate the sea between the mountains.

Walking around these streets during the day or the night changes the feeling they transmit. Even though I love it in both situations, my favorite one is during the night; for the orange lights and because no one is outside, so it is like you have the whole village for you.

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Foodie Life in Barcelona, Brunch in Mandarin Oriental

Looking for the best foodie experience in Barcelona

My friends know me very well, so they invited me for my birthday to a brunch in Mandarin Oriental, the great and beautiful hotel in Barcelona. Thanks girls!

I knew the hotel and Banker’s Bar, where I enjoyed good cocktails; but I had never visited BistrEau from Ángel León.

BistrEau is located in the heart of the hotel, it is a quiet place that invites you to have nice talks on a Sunday without rush.

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Barcelona Mardi Gras 2017

What you can’t miss around Barcelona

Mardi Gras, or as we call it, Carnival, is approaching! Next weekend, this celebration will take place all around the world. Spain and Barcelona aren’t exceptions, so this is the last call to get your costumes ready.

In this post, we will give you some insights about Mardi Gras in and around Barcelona; which Mardi Gras celebrations are a must see and what you can’t miss.

Mardi Gras in Barcelona

Barcelona’s Mardi Gras has different celebrations depending on the district, but all of them have two events in common that we love, as they are related to food. First of all, a contest of Spanish omelets takes place. Each participant cooks an omelet with different ingredients and decorations but always with the shape of a Spanish omelet. These contests are always coming about the exact same day of Mardi Gras, this year on Thursday, 23rd of February.

Secondly, Mardi Gras arrives to every market of the city. The market sellers run a contest of the best costumes they wear and the best decorated stall. Everybody can go to the market places and vote for the best ones. It is a very nice celebration as everybody is dressed up, there is music around and a lot of festivity.

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Spanish cheese: a wide array of flavors

We will talk in this post about Spanish cheese, an essential ingredient on our Mediterranean gastronomic culture! But first, why is it so important?

There are more than 100 different types of Spanish cheese, 28 of them ranked between the best 66 cheeses of the whole world, by the World Cheese Awards 2016. Among the different types, 28 also have protected designation of origin (P.D.O.), a geographical indication to promote and protect names based on the quality of the agricultural products. Furthermore, the most popular and known abroad Spanish cheese is the Manchego cheese.

It is a pleasure for us to show you in our tour different types of Spanish cheese, accurately selected from different regions of the country. Having different characteristics, the selection of cheeses give us an idea of the country’s cheese culture. Culture that is combined with the wine culture, as those cheeses are always served with a good red wine in our Barcelona food tour.

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A great seafood restaurant in Barcelona: Espai Kru

Nuria’s experience at Espai Kru

I have a friend with whom I maintain an almost virtual relationship, as in fact most of the relationships have become today, simply because our lives are too full of activities, work and commitments.

But from time to time we move to another dimension: reality. Our meeting up is always also a gastronomic experience.
As gastronomy is my passion and finally an area I manage professionally I always choose the restaurant (thank you Antonio for trusting me) and, on this occasion, it was the Espai Kru.
First and foremost the fact that this restaurant is linked (not only physically) to the seafood restaurant Rias de Galicia, puts you in a very interesting conceptual and emotional context. On the one hand I rejoiced in the almost childlike enthusiasm that I always experience when I hear “seafood”, on the other hand the seafood restaurants work with a product to which a proposal of contemporary elaboration adds an indisputable interest.

Since my first impression was visual, and focused on the large wooden table located in front of the kitchen, I felt that it was the heart of the space. How wonderful it must be to meet here if you are part of a large group. A very appealing possibility indeed.

It seems as if the design of the space started from there.

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