Spain is notorious fot its’ diversified selection of cheese…
Maturated, mold, curd – here you can find whatever you need. Today we want to talk about a curd cheese called Mató.
Mató is an original product of Catalunya. This amazing quality cheese tastes a little bit like Ricotta… But the way how Catalans prepare it, makes Mató an absolutely refined local specialty.
Mató is a whey cheese, produced from cow’s or goat’s milk. A taste of Mató is very specific because manufacturers don’t use salt during the process of production.
This sweet, soft, milky, slightly granular but spreadable cheese is used by Catalans to prepare their traditional desserts called Mel y mató.
Mel y mató
Catalan cuisine is simple. We can define two main regions – mar y muntanya. Mar defines Mediterranean Sea, muntanya defines Pyrenees. Mató comes from the mountais and we’ve heard that the best one comes from Montserrat…
To define the taste and these subtle differences between Mató del Pirineu and Mató de Montserrat, you have to be an experienced gourmet. But… After tasting your own mel y mató (just pour a spoon of honey and put some roasted walnuts over the cheese), you can call yourself one 😉
Have an amazing weekend,
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