Jamón ibérico, cured Spanish specialty

Do you recognize this nutty flavor ham, cut directly in front of you eyes? Do you know the reason why this ham is so appreciated by gourmets? Thanks to Spanish tradition, we can tell you a story about… Jamón ibérico.


Photo by FLC

It is a type of cured ham produced in Iberian Peninsula, especially in Spain and Portugal. According to Spain’s Denominación de Origen principles related to food products, jamón ibérico has to be made from black Iberian pigs or cross-bred pigs as long as they are at least 50% ibérico.


Iberian pigs; Photo by: http://www.spanish-passion.com

The reason why Jamón ibérico is perceived as the best product of Spain, concerns a specific process of production.

The piglets, just after weaning are fed on barley and maize for several weeks. Until the slaughtering time approaches, the pigs roam in pasture and oak groves. They’re fed naturally on grass, herbs, roots and finally acorns. Sometimes, just before the slaughtering time, the pig’s diet may be strickly limited to olives or acorns to get the best quality of jamón.

The legend

There is a legend which says that this kind of ham had its origin in a pig that fell into a very salty stream and drowned in it. Shepherds who were passing by the stream, pulled the pig out of the water, roasted it and discovered that it had a pleasant flavour, especially the hind leg.

Later, the shepherds discovered that salting the meat made it keep much longer without losing its flavor. Step by step, they gradually perfected the technique until they achieved one of the best cured hams in the world.

The process of curing

The curing process takes up to 48 months and its based on several stages. Ingredients used to produce the ham are: meat, salt, air and time.

In the past, the process was perceived as a part of family tradition. Each family who had a pig and wanted to make ham, had to kill it by themselves and cure in basements.


1904 – A whole family took part in a tradition of slaughtering pigs ; Picture from: https://www.ibergour.com

Today, the entire process takes place in modern and controlled facilities, what ensures a continuous production. After butchering, cutting and shaping, the main process of production starts.

The stages of production are devided into four main parts:

  1. Salting and rinsing. They meat is covered with salt for 7 to 10 days. Then it’s rinsed.
  2. Settling. This stage lasts 30-60 days. In a cold environment the cut dries and becomes more consistent.
  3. Drying and maturing. The hams are hung in drying rooms for several months (between 6 and 9) at temperatures from 15 to 30º C. They continue drying and the aromas get more intense.
  4. Ageing in the ageing room. Hams get their characteristic final aroma and flavour. This part of the process takes place at temperatures between 15 and 20º C and lasts from 6 to 30 months.

Regions of production

The Black Iberian pigs are raised primarily in the central and southwestern regions of the Iberian Peninsula, which includes both Portugal and Spain. In Spain, the Black Iberian Pig is typically found in the provinces of Salamanca, Ciudad Real, Cáceres, Badajoz, Seville, Córdoba and Huelva.


The regions of production. Picture by: http://www.tapasbonitas.com/

How to find good Jamón ibérico?

In our opinion, a really good way to find the best Jamón ibérico, is to visit our recommended places. To help you with finding the one you want, we attached a short description of Spanish Iberian hams, according to the labeling system.

Jamón ibérico is labeled according to the pigs’ diet and the percentage of the pigs’ Iberian ancestry. For example the ham produced from pigs which are fed on acorns is the most desirable one.

The current labeling system, based on a series of color-coded labels:


Picture by: http://www.paladarytomar.com/

Next week we will tell you where to try the best Jamón ibérico in Barcelona!

Stay tuned!

